Creative Hump

Websites & Animation with Peer Support

Persian Poem

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In this Moment

By SandMouse

Why now? Another crying spell? Really? But the pill kept me regular…
Don’t tell me that Aunt Flo is in town again in this Moment.

I can’t even with you because you’re killing me, Larry.
What is up with all these non-committal men in this Moment?

At least you’re not yet another voice in my head, or are you?
I mean, how do I know what is real in this Moment?

Can we really have laws against women having an abortion
If Mamala stands up as older Presidents Kalapse in this Moment?

Flying in the face of the justice system, the far right takes a swing
After a see-saw of the left surviving another no win-situation in this Moment.

My upside-down inside-out world is driving me away as

The bi-coastal, bi-poc-ar of mine is running out of gas in this Moment.

Let me sail on calm waters and lavender dreams,
Sleeping tranquilized on psychiatric medications in this Moment.

No racist fat shaming misogynist ableist monolingual whammies
No side effects, no complications, no lose-lose loose in this Moment.

Goodness gracious, Great Walls of Fire, Grab ‘em by the ‘Gina
Boba Tea Thai One, too? Free? Dumb, I have spoken… in this Moment.