Creative Hump

Websites & Animation with Peer Support


Creative Peer Support for Animated Websites

Creative Hump LOGO
We Whale Inspire You at Creative Hump!

supportive Disciplines

Creative Hump Supports

Creative Hump offers technical, creative, and peer support for collaborators.

Creative Hump Alternate Logo
Another version of the “Creative Hump” logo.


Is there some Work in Progress or an empty canvas you’re struggling with? Let’s foster inspiration and creativity is sometimes in groups.

  • Websites, Newsletters, or Promotional support
  • Animation, Logos, Video, or Photography
  • Sound, Music, or Ai generated interactive work
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
Video Conference Webinar Skype


I encourage learning by experience, and here are a few examples of how I can help:

  • Spreadsheets, Forms, or Documents
  • Business or non-profit needs
  • File organization
  • Internet security precautions
Peer Support Graffitti from unsplash
“Together, we create!” on brick wall


Speak out about your lived experiences with peer support by sharing. For instance:

  • Healthy boundaries & reflective listening
  • Wellness Recovery Action Planning
  • Whole Health Action Management

How We Work

Creative Hump Process


Portfolio Management

Creative Hump works with you to create a personalized plan to inspire you.


Project Planning

We keep each other accountable by setting realistic artistic and financial goals, and we base this on your routines and past performance.


Level up!

We collaborate on making better what we produce, which helps with decisions for next steps.


Proven track records of creative collaborations for over 10 years





Running Down a Dream
At a Santa Monica Public Art exhibit, Sandra shares an adventure
Lady Fountain Pants
Sandra, aka Lady Fountain Pants gets her feet wet.


Award winning artist ready to help with any creative emergency


Available in person or online

Sandra Cheng is primarily available from her home in Los Angeles, and she makes her way to visit family and friends on the East Coast. Feel free to ask about her next trip!

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How do I get started?

We meet monthly for free for new clients, and any one may join free.

Meetings are on Eventbrite from

1 on 1 consultation: 15 minutes Free (1x/ month)

How does billing work?

Each project may have different prices, with a flat fee being the usual best option for all parties.

Feel free to negotiate your own payment schedule as needed.

What happens if I’m not happy?

The key to collaboration is supporting each other with clear communication. Let’s talk about ways we can improve the work and see what is within our time and budget needs.

What does our collaboration look like?

This is entirely up to you.
Do you want to direct a creative project? That’s perfect. Let’s do it.
Is your goal to do it yourself but need some support? Let’s go at your pace.
Are you looking for a consultation? We will work to your specs.

How do I pay?

Ask for an invoice or please feel free to call and ask if you need special arrangements.

Call or Text Sandra: 323 393 3123
Or Email:

How do we meet?

Are you someone who prefers to meet in person and are in the Los Angeles area? Great! Perfect scenario.
Do you have an iPhone? Facetime is always an option.
Are you willing to do work on Zoom or Google Meet?
If you prefer another platform, I’ll do my best to help.

Need technical, creative, or emotional support?
We got your back!

Reach out to Creative Hump. or 323.393.3123

Creative Hump LOGO

Creative Hump

Got your Back